

Louis: Basically the story was…there was a cow. It was making a noise like cows do…

Louis & Niall: Moooooooooo!

Zayn: It sounded like a person!

Louis: Liam being the heroic man that he is and was, decided he would go out there and try to save this “man,” which in fact was a cow. He hopped over the gate to this field and looked around and shouted, “Hello?! Hello?! Does anyone need any help?”

Zayn: I got a stick, wrapped a cloth around it and lit it on fire and went out. I thought I was Indiana Jones running after Liam with it.

Harry: It was like completely dark and Liam was stood on the fence going, “Is anybody out there?! Is anybody out there?!”

Niall: So Liam was going to take on some murderer down in the field and a horse comes running at me in the dark.

Louis: So then we all went back in, sat around the fire for a little bit and then decided to go to sleep. But in fact, quite embarrassingly, even though we were 99% sure it was a cow we didn’t really dare sleep in our own beds. We actually had to sleep on mattresses on the floor next to each other because we had no key for the door and we thought the cow/man [would come in and murder us].

#because cuddle piles keep away cow murders #i’ve heard that #it’s a thing #good thinking there boys

The early days of One Direction: Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but how about we all sleep together in a big giant cuddle pile of boys?