

Once I marry Joffrey, I’ll be Queen. And if you were to marry Loras…Oh! Your place would be at Highgarden wouldn’t it?

#sansa’s expression breaks my goddamn heart in this scene #she has watched her father die, suffered physical and emotional abuse, and all the while she’s been kept against her will in king’s landing #and then margaery comes along #margaery is the kind of girl sansa has always wanted to be #kind and intelligent and beautiful and loved by everyone #and now sansa is nothing but a shadow #and margaery is the only person who she can talk to truthfully #the only person she can be herself in front of #and now this person is offering her the world #and sansa #poor sansa #has been manipulated and lied to by everyone around her #her first instinct should be panic or suspicion or skepticism #but no #for the first time in a very long time sansa is hopeful #and she’s trying so hard not to break down in front of margaery #she cannot break down, will not break down #because she is a fucking stark of winterfell #but for that one moment you can see her heart swelling #and simultaneously hear me sobbing in the background


“My poor sweet Sansa… why would anyone do this to her?”


There’s a king in every corner now.


You are in the presence of…


yellow-tipped, red rose: friendship, falling in love
